Thursday, November 20, 2008

Our Journey called life

Life itself is a journey. Within this big journey of life we have mini-journeys which are the roads we take in order to reach goals we set up for ourselves. There is a problem with setting goals however. People don't realize that they shouldn't only concentrate on their goal, but how they go about their goal, the road that they take to reach it. We learn from our journeys and if we do reach the end we can say that achieving our goal is our reward. Even if things don't turn out the way we want them to, going through that experience made us more knowledgeable than we were before we started.
The journey of life shouldn't be taken for granted. It should be looked at as special and even though there are rough times, we should continue on with life learning from the rough times. We should also be mindful that if we live our life well that in the end(when we die), our reward will be that in heaven (if you believe in heaven). Life is taken for granted everyday just because we find things don't go our way, which may lead us to say "I hate my life or "Life sucks." I am guilty of doing such a thing, when life gets stressful for me I say, "ugh life is so hard I just want to die." Of course I don't mean it, but I realize now that I still shouldn't say things like that. Life being "hard" or "stressful" is just a journey in which you learn to juggle more than one task and learn patience and endurance. I know one cannot be happy about life all the time, but I feel we should start analyzing why do we think we feel the way we do about life. What can we learn from each circumstance we go through? There is always something to be leaned from life, we just have to be willing to be taught.

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